jeudi 24 décembre 2015

what to dose

Ok guys so here are my perams with red sea test kit as of today.
Cal 380
Alk 8.4
PO 0.08
NO 0.75
Mag 1480

I dosed early this morning with 2 part Bi-ionic only at 22mil each (cal) (alk).

What should I do at this point to raise Cal a bit (450) and alk (9). Can I dose again or try another water change or what? Water changed at 15 gallons about 5 days ago with reef crystals.
75 gallon tank
30 gallon sump
100 pnds live rock
Trying to regulate so I can start my eshopps master doser system.

I have on hand for buffering:
Kent Marine Pro Buffer DKH
Seachem Reef Buffer
Bag of whit calcium pellets
2 part Bi-ionic 1 gallon jugs
Bi-ionic Mag bottle

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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