mardi 22 décembre 2015

Thoughts on 1 more fish

Hi All, new member here but have kept SW tank for 1+ year and read through a lot of forums. Wanted to get everyone's thought on the possibly adding 1 more fish.

Set up:
20gallon long Reef Tank
10G Refuge with nano skimmer, heater, Chaeto, 24 hr lighting from 6500k clamp light from home depot.
25 LB LR, 1.5 inch sandbed.
20x flow
RO/DI water.

Stocking: 2 false perc clowns, 1 YWG, 1 Royal Gramma. 1 Torch coral (6 heads, 5 inches fully opened), 1 frogspawn (2 heads, 4 inches fully opened). CUC: 4 margarita, 3 cerith, 2 astrea, 1 nass, a couple of small hitchhiker bristle worms and brittle stars.

0 amm, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate (and declining b/c the refuge set up is fairly recent). SG/PH/Temp/Alk/Cal all nominal. Weekly 20% WC

Other than the clowns and CUC, the rest of the stocking was introduced in the last 4 months. So far everything is good and happy. the CUC is keeping the minor hair algae problem in check. Eventually I'd like to add a few more corals (no SPS) and some more different types of inverts for the CUC (crab/shrimp)

Before I set up the 10G refuge, I knew that my tank would be fully stocked with the bio-load. But now that I have another 10 gallons of water and better nutrient export I was wondering if I can add 1 more small fish? If so, what would you recommend? Ideally I'd like something with a different color (maybe blue/green) since what I have now is mostly red/yellow/purple. I read about chromis/damsels but thought they might be territorial or need to be in multiples.

Thanks and happy holidays!

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