jeudi 24 décembre 2015

New to saltwater....need help with ro/di unit


Was hoping somebody could help me out.starting up a saltwater tank,and was advised that it would be smart to buy a reverse osmosis unit.i did,and hooked it up yesterday.i bought a 6 stage rodi 100gpd unit off eBay for $110,figured this would do the trick for my 75 gallon modest set up. My problem is this: it's real slow.and I'm talkin.......real slow.its been running about 24 hours now and I have a 30 gallon tote for the water which is about 1/3 full,if that.the waste water has a steady stream coming out,but the good water is just a drip drip seems that it is creating way over the normal amount of waste and is going way too wondering if it is something I have done is connected using a saddle is also leaking a tiny bit by the inlet.any help would be great,otherwise I will just keep lookin around and try to figure it out on my own.


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