jeudi 3 décembre 2015

Help powder blue tang missing !!!

Hi guys, so I'm officially freaked out and worried. I came home last night and I couldn't find my powder blue tang ANYWHERE! I looked all over my tank without moving any rocks. I looked around my tank even though it has a lid. I looked in the overflows, sump, and around the rocks. I can't find him anywhere! I threw in some food last night and nothing. I have had him for a couple weeks so he is pretty new but he has never disappeared before. I just got a yellow head moray eel but he is small there is no way that my 3-4 inch tang could fit in the eels mouth. Plus I have much smaller, slower fish (little clown fish) that he could easily eat and he is doing fine. I am guessing he died and my hermit crab (large) and my humu humu must have ate him? Is there any hope that he isn't dead? He has been missing for 12 hours. Please help

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