jeudi 3 décembre 2015

Elegance Coral help :/

So, I'm a newbie starting out. I have a 36 bow with about 20# of live rock and I had 2 clowns a diamond goby and a hammer frag and some clean up crew. This tank has been up and running for about 2 months only.

I love my wife, but in her impatient support of my new hobby she went out on Black Friday and bought and put some stuff in my tank *sigh. Now that she knows better, I would like to do my best to give these creatures the best I can possibly give them!

She got a Blue Hippo Tang, Coral Beauty, Alveopora and an Elegance Coral. The first few days everything appeared to be doing awesome! Both corals opened up, responded to target feeding. Fish were active and eating.

A few days ago when I got home my EC wasn't opened fully. The next day it barely opened at all. Nothing in my tank has changed in regards to flow or lighting. My LFS said to try a light dip. I did that this morning and now it looks like there are cobwebs all over the EC.

I feel like I'm doing everything I can, but I'm sure there is something that I'm missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0, Nitrates: 5-10, S/G: .023(working this up a bit), KH/Alkalinity is a bit high at 8.6/3.08, calcium is about 420-440, phosphates are somewhere between 0 and .2 (I only have API test)

Anything I'm Missing?

36 Bow
CoraLife Acintic Blue 24 watt T5 HO
CoraLife 10,000k Daylight 24 watt T5 HO
Fluvial 105 canister
AquaClear 70 hang
Reef Octopus Classic 100 HOB (I think)
AquaTop CPS-3 PowerHead 660g/h
15-20# Live Rock

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