mercredi 2 décembre 2015

Getting Rid of Hair Algae

Hey guys, I would like a tip to getting rid of this dreaded hair algae. My tank is 75 gallons and used to be really bad and had a TON, but we are not doing more frequent water changes and are tanking the rock out of the tank and scrubbing it and it has been beginning to go away but it is still there. I asked my LFS and they said that i would have to take out ALL the rock, (80lbs) and then do a 75%-80% water change, and siphon the top layer of sand. (about 60 gallons)Then I would have to scrub the rock thoroughly and then put all of it back into the tank. This seems like a LOT of work and aggravation for me. Now I know that there isn't a magic little bottle that "gets rid of ALL hair algae, GUARENTEED" but that still seems like a lot of work for just hair algae. What do YOU guys think, is it too much and what do you suggest, or do I just have to suck it up and go with the LFS plan? Btw, this site is AMAZING, you go there with one question and it is answered in 10 minutes, YOU GUYS ARE DA BEST:rotflmao:

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