mercredi 2 décembre 2015

180 Gallon Eel Tank Ideas

Hi guys!
(BACKGROUND) I've loved eels for a while, but while I've had saltwater tanks before, as well as thousands of gallons of freshwater, I never had a large enough tank to keep large saltwater fish. However, recently I got an even bigger tank for my large freshwater fish and now have a 180 gallon tank that I can convert to saltwater. Unfortunately, the tank's lid makes it pretty hard to have enough light for coral (not to mention prices of both the coral and the lights. So, i've decided against a reef tank.

(ACTUAL IDEA) So, here's my current fish list, note that my only familiarity with these fish come from hours of research, so I wanted some opinions from you guys. Didn't want to jump into this big of a project without proper preparation.

1 Minatus Grouper
1 Magnificent Foxface (Yes I will supplement with greens)
1 Naso or Clown Tang
1 Saddleback Hogfish
1.1 Blue Throat Triggerfish
3 Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
1 Blue Ribbon Eel
1 White Ribbon Eel
1(or 2) Snowflake Eel
1 Banded Snake Eel
1 Green Wolf Eel

I know there's a lot here, 13 big fish, so if you guys can help me decide which ones to give the boot, I'm all ears.

Thanks in advance,

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