mercredi 4 octobre 2017

Wednesday,,,ALL ABOARD!

Good morning TRT Friends, and welcome to the middle of the week....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Got some Thomas's English muffins and an assortment of jelly to go with our coffee this morning. Another beautiful fall day here at the shore today in the mid 70's. But come tomorrow will be playing up in the 80's again. Fall is so fickle! Got the corn mazes opening up around here, and even got our first 'commercial boat' of the season docked at our place, yet summer refuses to bow out graciously. During the fall we have some 'conkers' and crabbers dock at our place, and our yard will see piles of their traps as they load and unload....and when it's cold, no biggy, but when it's warm the conkers STINK! Hope all have the best of everything facing them today...ENJOY,

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