mardi 31 octobre 2017

55g reef tank

Type - 55g mixed reef tank
Light - SBreeflight
Age - 5 years
Filtration - 70 lbs rock I cycled myself, refugium with multiple macros, Eshopps sump skimmer.
Equipment - Eshopps 75g skimmer, DCS5000 pump, 2 rw8s, auto top off
Daily Dosing - Seachem Fusion 1&2, Vodka
Weekly (or as needed based on testing) Dosing - Brightwell potassium, iron and acropower
Refugium - miracle mud topped with sand and macro algae
Fish - 2 clowns, Fiji devil, 6-line wrasse, coris wrasse,
Inverts - cleaner shrimp, snails of every kind, emerald crab, peppermint shrimp

My 55g tank is a mixed reef with everything from mushrooms to sps. I battled dinoflagellates in the beginning and won, and now have a pretty maintenance free system. The autotop off takes care of keeping my salinity in check, and I haven't done a water change in over a year. An SBreeflight keeps my pretties happy, and I feed Rod's food twice a day.

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