mardi 31 octobre 2017

Seahorse tank 2 - Barbouri

Size - 36g barbouri tank

Light - Basic overhead

Age - less than 1 year

Filtration/equipment - 50 lbs rock from billy hay, pre-cycled by me. HOB filter with floss, and canister filter with marinepure balls, sponge, and floss. HOB skimmer, small powerhead aimed at the floor, to keep debri from settling, fake plants.

Inverts - snails only

Fish - 2 hippocampus barbouri from Seahorse Source.

Barbouri are my favorite seahorses to date. This tank was set up as an experiment, so that I could help people who keep seahorses, but cannot add a sump to their tank. I wanted to experience the difficulties, so that I could teach people how to overcome them. I now hate canisters, lol. But, I'm continuing the tank to breed the seahorses :).

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