mardi 24 octobre 2017

Refugium lighting help!

Hey Y'all!

40B with 20L sump. Sump consists of a skimmer, and 2/3 full of LR. Had a Cyano outbreak a while ago, likely from using contaminated LR. Used Chemiclean, worked great! No more Cyano! But now I have a decent dinoflagellates outbreak. Likely because i did not have a skimmer at the time of the cyano outbreak, and was not able to remove all of the leftover gunk from that; and or the fact that I had to take all the rock out to catch a mean damsel and some die off fueled the dino. Lesson learned. Now I have a skimmer, and am trying the chemiclean again.

Here's the lighting issue though. My black box provides a few spots of very high lighting on the rock, which is where the dino is growing. My light in the sump/refugium is not nearly as powerful as the black box, so there is no competing. I figure if the sump light is ridiculously bright, then I can get any algae (hopefully macro soon) to grow in there, rather then the DT. Anything growing will go toward the best light source.

So. Is my thinking correct? Anyone know of a black box similar, or just overly powerful light for a refugium?

Thanks in advance!

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