lundi 23 octobre 2017

Cyano help low nutrient system

So for the last couple weeks I have started to see some cyano pop up in the tank. Trying to find the cause but not sure where to start.

180 gallon tank
Flow is 2 250 gyre alternating 90 percent for 1.5 seconds
MP40 in the back of the tank in the middle, up 40 percent

P04 is at .027
N03 is at 2

Lighting is a led, T5 combo. T5 lights are on 4 hours a day, lights 5 months old.

Skimmer is running wet 24/7 and have a fuge with chaeto growing, lights on 14 hours a day.

I am only getting cyan on the sand. I only have small amount of GFO running. I clean the sand about once a month.

What am I missing? is my ratio of P04 and N03 off?

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