mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Going to do a blackout

So. I have a 40B with 20L sump with a skimmer. Currently stocking a clown pair and a CB.

Dinoflagellates have gown from a little spot, to a small rock, to all rockwork. I took out what little coral I had (toadstool, zoas, acan, and GSP) and moved them to my frag tank. But not before dipping the rock (frag rock, less then a few inches only) they where on in freshwater to kill off any dino - dont think it had any but just in case. So tank only has a few hermits, and 3 fish.

I want to nip this in the but, and take the most direct route possible. It may take some time I understand, but it will be worth it.

From what I have gathered, a total blackout of 2 weeks will completely remove any dino - any likely any algae for that matter.

So here is my questions.

Is 2 weeks enough, or to much?

Will this for sure eliminate the issue? I know any method is never 100%, but something close would be nice lol

Will the fish be ok without light for 2 weeks?

I know they will be ok for a few days, maybe even a week. But 2? Never done that.

Thoughts? Am I crazy?

I know it may be "extreme", but I've read far to many stories of ppl pulling their hair out. So while I can, I'd like too eliminate the issue fairly quickly.

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