mardi 31 octobre 2017

Seahorse Tank 1 - Erectus display

Size - 65g macro algae display

Light - SBreef plant light

Age - 3 years

Filtration - I had rock made for this tank, shaped into branches and beauty. I added some dry rock from Billy Hay and cycled prior to adding fish. Macro algae in the display and an algae scrubber in the sump on reverse light cycle (seahorses are dirty!!!!). The sump also has an ASM mini-g skimmer.

Equipment - 2 RW4s, dcs 5000 pump, UV sterilizer, SBreef plant light, personalized algae scrubber made by Ronald Chinners, and ASM mini-g skimmer

Fish - 2 hybrid and 6 erectus seahorses measuring from 6-12". (this is not advised to anyone starting out. These seahorses are moved to separate tanks while breeding, and I use a lot of macro power to keep ammonia at bay).

Inverts - Snails that do not eat macros, and peppermint shrimp.

My erectus display is my "Seahorse Paradise". I adore this tank.:nuts:

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