mardi 24 octobre 2017

I?m at a loss

I just got into this hobby of reef aquariums. My family has done it for years. All my fish just suddenly died this morning and I?m confused, and a little blacked out. I need some help.

I have a Coralife LED Biocube 32 with no modifications. I started this tank with boxed saltwater, bacteria coated live rock, and Fritz Turbo Start. I cycled the tank with a Green Chromis and some hermit crabs and snails. After the nitrogen cycle had completed I got a pair of clowns and a few corals and an anemone. They were fine for a couple days but then this morning the fish all dropped dead. I could only find two bodies.

I am a chemist by trade. I have been testing the water meticulously for pH, ammonia, hardness, nitrites and nitrates. Specific gravity is at 1.026. Ammonia has been at 0ppm since the addition of the fish. pH has been a battle constantly. It?s always hovered around 7.8, but I was using Seachem OH Balance to bring it back up one dose every 12 hours.

Last night I spoke with a guy from the LFS who advised me to stop chasing pH and worry about hardness. So I stopped chasing the pH yesterday evening and this morning all this happened. pH was at 7.4 but I was led to believe this would not be a problem and I would just drive myself crazy chasing it. What am I doing wrong? If I need to provide more information, please let me know and I will do my best.

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