lundi 30 octobre 2017

A drying out Monday

Good *orning to all our TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY *ONDAY! Rains will be clearing out this *orning leaving us a day with the WINDS drying us out. Had heavy rains at ti*es yesterday, but not the 'biblical' stuff THEY were forecasting. Gave us an opportunity for a day filled with board ga*es and *ovies and laps for the dogs to snuggle on. Cream of wheat to go with our coffee this *orning to light the ole fires. Will be a pumpkin carving night when I get ho*e fro* work......spent so*e ti*e exploring options for our creations, but still being tossed around. FANTASTIC job you and Chris did George by the way. Hope all the best for all, and be SAFE,

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