lundi 16 octobre 2017

New Member-Chamber Questions


Thanks for the add. I have 2 tanks-one 20 gallon freshwater and one 45 gallon saltwater jbj 45. I tried to add photos, but apparently I'm gonna have to join a samsung forum to learn how to operate my phone to meet the size requirements. :) The reason I joined this forum is to gain better knowledge of how to care for my tank. I recently acquired the jbj 45 and it is my second saltwater tank ever and I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to put in these rear chambers. Here's what I've got so far:

1st Far left chamber-Gray nitrate reducing pad and nothing in the two 'in tank' sections below it

2nd chamber-water heater.

3rd chamber-2 water pumps

4th chamber-nothing

5th far right chamber-Green phosphate reducing pad on top, 2nd section is an unknown small bag, last section is a bag of carbon rocks.

The unknown small bag recommended by an person at a pet store. I will update once I figure it out. :jester:

Currently this is a non aggressive, non reef friendly tank. I have about 10 small fish, along with an eel, spider decorater crab and two starfish that are having a field day with my snails.

Anyways, I hope I was allowed to post this here and didn't make a rookie mistake. Any suggestions to the rear chambers is greatly appreciated.


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