mercredi 1 juin 2016

Holy crap!

I have a very large carpet anemone and i have had him for 2+ years. He usually stays in his corner or goes high on the rocks. The other day he was completely open which is not like him.

I was doing a water change and pulling water from the sump when my gf screamed who was on the couch behind me. I looked up and my one spotted foxface that is fully grown and i have had for 3 years was half ways in the carpet anemone.

By the time i got my little grabber into the tank the anemone had already switched from the wide open stance to a taco formation. Basically trying to swallow my foxface. I wasnt having it and decided to pry it open and release the foxface. It took me a good 10 mins to free the foxface.

She was in rough condition with spots all over her from the tentacles of the anemone. I did remove her from the 90 gallon tank and into a Hospital tank.

RIP Foxy as she lived for about 30 more hours.

Moral of story carpet anemones will eat fish, no matter how long they have lived together it can always happen. I have no idea the cause of why foxy went to close or what really happened but i miss my foxface already.

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