samedi 18 juin 2016

90g, 120g, or 210g reef?

Ok, so I'm caught in a little bit of a pickle here. Looking for some input on which route you think I should go.

What I have currently:

30g reef with 30g sump. Bubble Magus Curve 7 skimmer, Apex system with salinity. Tunze ATO, 24" ReefBreeders Photon LED. Think tank is absolutely THRIVING!!! corals are growing excellent and coralline is really taking off. Occasional battle with algae but nothing out of control.

What I have not set up:

90g tank (to be drilled yet), home made stand that brought the top of the tank to about nose level. (I'm 6'4"). Stand needs to be stained yet. 30g sump to go with this. And I would be using my current Curve 7 protein skimmer for this build. I would need to get piping, drill the tank, install C2C overflow, and probably some more rock.

I also have a 210g tank with stand, canopy, and HOB over flows that I bought for $250. This definitely needs to be cleaned (obviously not a big deal). I would like to drill this as well, if I went this route and if its not tempered glass. Obviously everything would need to be purchased for this, except for maybe the skimmer. I think I could get by with the Curve 7 on this as well. but not quite sure. I would try to put a 55g sump on this at the minimum. I would also probably end up building another stand to bring the tank up for better viewing (I hate bending over to look at my tank). This would obviously need a tremendous amount of LR, I highly doubt I could get away with only 90-125lbs of LR.

I also have a 120g, buuuut, that's up and running as a FW tank currently.

My predicament I'm in:

I'm not quite sure the 90g would be big enough for me anymore, as I have quickly out grown my 30g. The original plan was to move the 30g over to the 90g. I have started to lean towards cycling the 90g while keeping the 30g up and running as well. This could pose problems for my corals/nem as switching to the 90g won't be a mature tank like my 30g is?

Essentially in any route the 30g would be taken down and turned into a QT. But if I'm spending money on the 90g, maybe it wouldn't be much more to do the 120g or 210g. As I already know this hobby isn't cheap, I would piece together what I need a little at a time until I have everything. I would like to continue using the Curve 7 because I love the way it works and it is rated for 240g (I know, I know not truly 240g and it depends on stocking). My biggest and most expensive purchase would probably be LR and lights. Again, which I'm ok with because I can slowly gather LR and cook LR in brute trash cans until I'm ready to set up the tank in any case. I honestly don't want to spend $400+ on return pumps.

If anyone is able to provide some input it would be greatly appreciated, whether its tips, ideas, etc. it would help a lot.

Thanks in advance,


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