mercredi 2 décembre 2015

Total tank cleanse

Greetings all!

Its been quite a while since Ive posted on the forum and about a year since I started my tank, and other than a few early on photos Its been a good while since Ive had a good clean tank.

For a while I had on and off red "algae" blooms and around September My worked picked up crazy and my tank maintenance fell by the wayside. around mid October the tank had a free floating algae bloom that hasn't gone down. Ive replace the bulbs, switched up to 50% water changes with cleaning and cut down on my feedings without much change. At this point I'm certain the sub-strait is still holding on to nutrients and I am seriously considering using my spare 35 gallon tank as a temporary home while I clear out my main tank and fully clean the sub-strait.

So far (other than a cat incident) the three fish and two peppermint shrimp that inhabit the tank are in good health and have lasted since I purchased them earlier this year. I'm fairly concerned about causing a tank crash and not sure how I should prepare. Should I move the live rock? should I keep some of the sub-strait as it is? Im not a fan of bare bottom tanks but would it help if I halved the sub-strait?

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