jeudi 24 décembre 2015

Hey reefers,

I recently made a batch of 5 gal bucket of salt and it seems to still have white reidues of the salt, Now I'm not sure if that really matters after a day or two and it's still there but if it doesn't...Then I'm just going to use it. Here's all the details.
(1) the salt had clumps but I broke most of them up before I put it in.
(2) I added it slowly while having a pump going.
(3) The water was a bit cold, but was getting to room temp.
(4) I was using reef crystals.

I don't have a test kit for all the lvls (yes I really need one, hoping I can get reef master from API) I have a refractometer though but if salt that isn't properly mixed is bad, Then I'll have to test it in a store or something.


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