mardi 1 décembre 2015

HELP Leopard wrasse is not eating and is hiding

hello , so ive had my wrasse for almost 2 years and i love him very much , he is in a 75 gallon. everything was going great, he was eating, swimming around loving life until this past weekend. I just adopted a Hippo tang and Purple tang from a pet shop ( they were brought to them from people that neglected them and now have scares but very gentle fish ) i thought maybe he was just scared of the new fish but its been 3 days that he wont come out .. and if he does its only for about 5-10 min before he goes back in too hiding ,, he also is not eating ... im very worried that maybe another fish beat him up , it seems he is missing a bite out of his tail fin. I dont know what to do . I thought of bringing him back to the fish store but its impossible to catch him. But i really don't want him to die... so My question is , Is it normal that he is scared for this long , and if so should i be worried he is not eating? and when should i take action? and what would those actions be ?

Tank :75 gallon

Fish: 1 Lieutenant tang
1 Purple Tang
1 Hippo Tang
1 Leopard wrasse
2 Clown fish
1 watchmen
1 cleaning shrimp

Thank you in advance

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