vendredi 25 décembre 2015

Goni gone eeee!

Hey All!

We've had a goni for a few days now in a fairly new tank. Noticed it has retracted itself a few times and wanted to know if it was a natural thing, or our water conditions.

We haven't moved it since placing it in a medium to low spot up on a higher rock in our 6g nano reef.

I will post some snaps once I get to 5 posts! :worm:

We fed it reef roids for the first time last night.

Our water parametres have been consistent with:
NH3/No2/No3 all 0
Ca 460/470
KH 8
Phos 0/0.025
SG 1.124

Last night they read:
Nh3/no2/no3 all 0
Ca 460
KH 6
Phos 0/0.025
SG 1.128

Other corals are looking pretty lovely. Doing an RO change to lower the salinity.

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