vendredi 2 octobre 2015

Stumped - New Fish Death - Inverts & Corals Flourishing

I'm wondering if anyone has encountered a weird problem I'm having. I have a moderately new 65 gallon reef (6 months old). I have a few corals in it (toadstool, mushrooms, zoas), inverts (2 skunk cleaner shrimp, small hermits, snails, brittlestar), 2 black ocellaris clowns (one is disabled with a missing front fin but doing fantastic), 2 blue green chromis, and a yellow watchman goby.

While the corals and the inverts are flourishing (the toadstool's even got a baby), it's the fish I struggle with.

The clowns and goby were the first fish in the tank and they've been great and growing. While the clowns occasionally lightly squabble with each other, they've not bothered anyone else to my knowledge (I know they can be a little bullyish).

But over the last 6 months the new fish I introduce can't seem to make it, I've added a pajama cardinal (who sulked in the corner, refused to eat and then finally passed), 3 blue green chromis' who I think were murdered by a sally lightfoot (who I've relocated to my mangrove & algae refuge) along with a firefish (who was possibly also murdered by previously mentioned Sally). I thought I had found my culprit in my sally lightfoot and after relocating him thought I'd be safe to try a yellow coris wrasse. He lasted 3 days, then began swimming with an odd circular motion and then next day died.

My levels have all been fine, Ammonia & Nitrites at zero. I occasionally get Nitrates to climb to 5ppm, but nothing to even slightly bother the corals or inverts. Salinity at 1.025. Weekly 8% water changes using RO-DI water.

Filtration is done through a sump with mangrove refuge (3 plants & a bit of macro algae), protein skimmer.

I'm a little perplexed. I do a 2 hour drip acclimation for all my new arrivals and my LFS seems to be one of the finest around (even quarantining all new arrivals for a full week to confirm they're eating before sale).

Any thoughts? Just bad luck or does something come to mind that I should investigate?

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