jeudi 29 octobre 2015

Clownfish Behavior in a Group

Hello Everyone!

I am happy to say that my pair of clownfish that I have had for 2 years are finally laying eggs! So far, they have laid 7 clutches and I have attempted to raise 2. My oldest clutch, consisting of 25 clowns that are about 3/4 of an inch each, is about 3 months old now. My younger clutch, consisting of 60 clowns that are about 1/4 of an inch each, is a little under 1 month old now.

So here's my question: If I decide to keep my oldest clutch instead of selling them, how will they interact as the mature and grow? Will they pair off into 1 dominant pair, or multiple pairs?

Also, since they are all from the same clutch and parents, will their offspring be normal if/once they lay eggs in a couple years? Or will their children be more prone to die due to lack of genetic variation?

Thank you all! If you want to check out what they looked like as babies and how they grew up, check out my 'blog' here:


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