samedi 31 octobre 2015

Whats your favorite cleaning tool?

Like the title says, whats your favorite cleaning tool?

Mine is a powerhead.

Not any ordinary powerhead though! Its a power sprayer, vacuum pump, water mixer, takes care of my heavy lifting by doing what its designed for, pumping water from one place to another and to top it off i put a plug in on/off switch to reduce the risk of accidental shocks from unplugging it; lets not forget how its also a powerhead! I fitted two hoses on it, the small one is the suction side and the longer is the output. As it sits now is how i have it when im using it to blow out the rocks, much easier then a turkey baster and gets deeper into the pores of the rocks, i often see crud blowing out of the rock from several spots at a time as well as on the complete opposite side of the rock! Route the long hose into a 5g bucket or container/drain of yoir choosing and you can easily use the shorter end as a vacuum to vacuum out sumps or the bottom of a tank. An angle on this shorter side helps with the ergonomics of holding the pump. Different size hoses can be attached for different flow rates or velocities as well, although it would probably not be in the best intrest of the pump to go with a smaller diameter hose then what the input side diameter is. Adding a larger hose on the output side will, however help in getting water from a mixing tank or container nearby into the tank in a reasonable time, just a few minutes for every 5g! Dont let that time goto waste though! Look over your beautiful, cleaner reef while you wait!

With such a magnitude of ways to use it, its my number one, must have tool for a reeftank!

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