mercredi 28 octobre 2015

10 gallon saltwater tank setup

Hi all,

I have a small 10 gallon saltwater aquarium that is housing some pulsing Xenia's but mostly blue and orange mushrooms along with 1 clown fish. I have an AquaClear filter on the back along with an LED light on it. The tank has been getting a lot of red algae in it and most of my Xenia's have died off. My mushrooms are doing fine. I also lost one of my clown fish. I am lax on doing water changes so I think that is the problem. Which filter would you go with on this tank, if any. Also, I do not think the light is bright enough on this tank. Since this is just a desktop tank I really do not want to spend a lot of money on it as I also have a 28 gallon setup which is doing fine and I can transfer some of my Xenia's from that tank to the smaller tank once it is cleaned up.

I am open to any suggestions on how to clean up this tank and get it back to a healthy setup again.


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