lundi 26 octobre 2015

Im new to reefing but I want to know EVERYTHING

I recently started my nano tank (first time salt water).
My gear:
5 gal nano

5-10 gal filter with poly's

Tap water (for right now expecting a shipment of natures ocean nutri- sea water in 2 days)

5lbs live rock

Live sand

8 watt, 6 inch led light

Orange spotted goby

Ocellaris clown

Pyramid snail

(They all seem to be doing well, the clown is very shy and stays in his little area which I expected)

I'm really looking to expand since I absolutely love this hobby. My setup has only been up for a week or so but I'm very meticulous with what I'm doing. I've asked a lot of advise and although I know it's early for me to have 2 fish I've been told my water quality is high enough.
I plan to cycle within the next week or so with hopes of getting corals that my clown will host (not an anemone as I know they're difficult)
But my main goal is to become comfortable enough with my skills on the nano tank that I can build a real reef in a 40+ gallon. I work very hard in my job and have the money with no reservations on spending within reason because this gives me joy. I just want any advice or tips that can get me into the 40+ gal range.

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