samedi 31 octobre 2015

One dead fish and another is on its way out... help w/ pics & video (LONG post)

Alright, where do I start...

Lets get this out of the way....

Fish list:
Blue hippo (Dead)
Flame Angel
Midas Blenny (Almost Dead)

Red Sea Max 130 parameters are all good.
Temp 79-81
pH 8.2
Alk - 8.7
Cal - 430
and 0 ammonia,nitra,nitri

So I just lost my baby blue hippo tang. I had him for 2 years. I got him as a quarter sized baby. He's been super strong. Eats like a pig. No ich or stress from tank mates.

About 2 weeks ago I added two new fish. A Flame Angel and a Midas Blenny. The blenny ate within 5 minutes of being in the tank and found himself a nice little hole to live in. The flame angel took a few days to eat and has been eating good since.

Back to the hippo tang...
He died out of nowhere. The day prior to him dying he ate like a pig, swam normal and all was good. I woke up in the morning and he was wedged in the rocks (which is unusual since he is out swimming all day.) I ended up lifting the rock and he came out and was swimming with the front fins only and slowly sank to the bottom. His whole lower half was almost paralyzed. I went out to run errand for an hour and came back and he was dead.

Now at the same time the Midas Blenny started to act weird. He still alive but BARELY. Hes been on the sand bed for the past few days unable to swim. His lower body is also paralyzed-like. He will still eat only if the food is put on his lip.

My fish have been on pellets only for the past month since I've been a little too busy to buy mysis. I was able to go buy mysis at the pet store and about 2 or 3 days after my fish have been all screwed up.

Could it be the mysis? All the other fish are fine...
Or Could it be that the Midas Blenny brought in some sort of infection/disease? Swim bladder disease?
I've also noticed black stringy heavy poop on the sand bed.

Midas Blenny's Current status

Blue hippo
This picture was taken about an hour after he died. Notice the white stomach. I don't know if that's normal.

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