lundi 26 octobre 2015

Protein skimmer recommendations for my 120 gallon reef please.

So I am toying with the idea of upgrading my skimmer for my 120 gallon reef. Currently I have a Coralife Super Skimmer rated for tanks up to 220 gallons and it's ok, but I could definitely have something better. It came with the tank when I first bought it anyway so it's ot my first choice in skimmers. I am having trouble finding the right skimmer for my tank though, as I am not as educated on the equipment side of the hobby. So I would like a little bit of help on the direction I should take. Here are some info you guys will want to know first:

1. I would like to spend no more then around $350 to $400. Of course I want as cheap as possible, but of course I won't sacrifice quality for price. I think this price would allow me to get something pretty decent for my tank size.

2. I would like an in sump skimmer as well. My sump is 30 gallons, but have considered getting a 40 breeder to DIY for a sump so I am not worried about a new skimmer not fitting. I could build a new sump around a skimmer if needed.

3. My tank has been rather loud and gurgly recently and its been buging the family a bit. So as quite a skimmer a possible would be nice. My current skimmer can be a bit obnoxious at times.

4. I tend to stock heavy for my tanks so the skimmer would need to be able to handle it. I also like over filtering or over skimming on all my tanks so skimmers rated for around 300 gallons would make feel comfortable if I could find a good price.

If you guys need anything else let me know. I have good things about Reef Octopus skimmers but other than that I am not sure where to start looking. Thanks.

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