mercredi 11 octobre 2017

You guessed it...Wednesday!

Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Chance of rain, and a smidge cooler, 75, as to where yesterday's 85 was way too warm for this time of the year around here. Got a big ole Lemon Meringue pie to go with our coffee this morning. Works picking up a little this week, so staying busy. Yea George October is a busy time for us Hack's, so have been a tad scarce as of late. My birthday leads us off with the next day being my Folks anniversary, then my brother's bd, then my Mom's, then my Sister's, then my Sis in-law. So evenings are kinda blurred around here. And yeah Mark our yard is fenced in, and able to keep 'real dogs' safe and secure. But the owner of these little 'yip yaps' saw potential avenues of escape if'n they were inclined to dig their way out.....thus the leash request. Hope the day treats everyone really, really, REALLY well, and all the best,

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