vendredi 13 octobre 2017

Power Outage - Battery Backup

As I posted before, I lost all my fish and half of my corals due to hurricane Irma. Had to evacuate Key Largo and we were not allowed back for a couple of days. I was out of my house for 6 days. Found I had lost power but I do not know for how long. I had left tank with an automatic battery powered air pump but that certainly was not able to last 6 days. I have two portable generators but not there to hook them up.
Looking to be better prepared for the future. In hindsight I could have taken my 2 boat deep cycle batteries connected a AC/DC inverter and run one of my koralias to break surface for oxygen exchange.
I have researched battery backup but most are just for a few hours. Looking for suggestions (that will not break the bank) on how to prevent livestock death for power outage that lasts a few days since I will always be required to evacuate from Key Largo. Thanks.

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