dimanche 15 octobre 2017

new tank light tan algae

Im just into my second month of my new tank which has been going great. I recently got my clean up crew. I had gotten 4 blue legged hermit crabs a month ago right after my cycle because one of my rocks was starting to get some algae on it. It was kinda like short hair and slimy. The lfs said the hermit crabs are good at cleaning that stuff up. I also have a fairly young clownfish pair (i think 60-70 days). algae left with a little help from me pulling out what i could. So a week ago I purchased 3 large trochus snails. to keep up the tiny bit of algae and did well, but now my rocks are starting to change to a light tan and i believe its some kind of algae. Does anyone know about anything about this? My nitrite leaves stay around 2-6, at all times. I have a protein skimmer and a tumbler with gfo to help with phosphate. Should I do anything about this? And what would you recommend to help.

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