lundi 16 octobre 2017

Handling water added by dosing system

I'm looking at adding a dosing system to the reef tank I'm getting started with.

Before I get to my question some background on my tank setup; I have a 65 gallon display with a 10 gallon sump. Water is pumped out of the display and into the sump that contains my protein skimmer. From there it gravity feeds back to the display. This has to be this way because the display sits so close to the floor beneath a bar.

OK, with that out of the way this is my question relating to reef dosing systems. A dosing system using some type of peristaltic pump implies adding a calcium, magnesium or whatever you happen to be dosing, solution to the water already in your system. How do people typically handle removing an equal amount of water from the system as the dosing pump adds? It seems this would be necessary or you would eventually overflow your display tank or sump, whichever happens to be lower.

I have a general idea of how I might do this that I will explain here. But if someone has a simpler solution I'd like to hear it. I want to make sure I'm not overcomplicating this. My idea is to use the standard peristaltic pump that most use. Only instead of pumping the dosing solution through the pump I would use it to draw water from my sump or display tank. The water removed would be pumped into some kind of bladder inside a reservoir that contains the dosing solution. This would in turn displace the dosing solution from the reservoir such that it would overflow into my sump.

Presuming I'm adding my calcium/magnesium to RO water mixed with the Instant Ocean Reef salt I use, this setup seems like it would provide the added benefit of having my recommended water changes built in to it. Thoughts?

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