mardi 10 octobre 2017

COT - Clownfish Only Tank ?

Hi , I´m new to the Forum and I Would like to Have an Aquarium whit only clownfish , like different mutations and species of clownfish.
So , Are Clownfish the ones who produce less nitrates , amonia and phosphates ? And Aswell Are they easy to Keep ? I´m just good at Keeping Predators in a saltwater tank , but since the aquarium it´s design for seahorses and the things i need to keep one are "oustrageous" , I think getting a clownfish only tank is actually a good Idea ! Whit Different Species and Mutations .

So My Questions are :

1º- No Matter the Species of Clownfish Are they Easy to Keep or at least Intermediate ?

2º - Is there Rarest Species of Clownfish ? Species People dont buy much or are Harder to find ?

3º - How Much Gallons will they need or No Matter the Specie , How Much Gallons will A Clownfish Need ?

4º - Are they easy to Feed off ?

5º - Can I Keep Different Types of Clownfish , such as Mutations and Species Varieties ?

6º - Are Clownfish A Fish Species who produce less Nitrates , amonia and phosphates ?

7º - Will they need Anemones , If so Which Types of Anemones ?

8º - Pros or Advantages of Getting a Clownfish Pet instead a Tang or a Damsel for example.

9º - Anything Else I Need to Know off ?

And I Think That´s it ! Well I Wait for your answers then. Stay Happy !

" AROW ON THE KILL ! " . :dance:

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