samedi 3 juin 2017

The Grumpy Tank

Alright I know I haven't been posting anywhere really, I've been busy. But after this month I'll be alright and hopefully have a bit more knowledge in the marine tank world!!

So, once again I'm here as a grump. My tank has been up and running since March 11. 2.5-3" Sandbed + another 2 inches of mud in the fuge. 34 (ish) lbs. live rock.

I've been struggling with cycling this small beast. My ammonia was reading less than 0.25 ppm about two weeks ago, but I still was not finding nitrates, so I didn't do a water change. Now this week it shot to 0.5 ppm. -_-' Miraculously I'm finding a crap ton of life in there!! There's like a hundred pods in my fuge everywhere, I even found a tiny white starfish!! Granted I haven't been able to find it since. Even some grossly weird yellow/reddish strings with transparent veins shooting out at the end (idk what they are, but they're creepy.)
My nitrates are still reading at the pee color. 0 ppm.

So... my tank is doing a second cycle?? Idk why... when my ammonia levels were low I fed my tank three little mysis shrimp twice a week. But obviously I'm not now. Do I just sit and wait... again??

Any input would help, I was getting really excited about snails.

-The Grumpy Tank.

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