mardi 27 juin 2017

Poindextrous's 75 gallon Craigslist buy

I have been meaning to try out a bigger tank and/or corals, then last week, I saw a craigslist deal. So, here I am!

The tank is a 75-gallon with a corner overflow and a 30-gallon (I think?) sump. Return flow is from an 1100 gph pump from 3 nozzles (one split) and there is also a 950 gph power head. No wavemaker, and I'm wondering if I should add one and another power head.

Lighting consists of two current orbit 48-inch LED bars. The skimmer is a Reef Octopus NWB-110.

I bought it second-hand from someone who didn't know what corals there are (only a few live ones), so I will probably be posting pictures soon for IDs.

Fish-wise, there is a pajama cardinalfish, a pair of ocellaris clowns, and a third fish that I originally thought might be a royal gramma, since I only saw a flash of purple (and I thought, yellow), but now I can see it's entirely purple. Maybe a purple dottyback? Otherwise, there are a bunch of snails I am not sure about, a blue-legged hermit crab, an some smaller hermits.

I'm still cleaning/rescaping since I just moved it on Saturday, but I will post pictures as soon as I have time to get clear ones. My eventual goal is a soft coral tank, but I'm learning, so I'm sure it'll be slow going.

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