samedi 24 juin 2017

Combining Tanks...

Hey all, I'm pretty new to the reefing hobby, got the first tank in December. Needless to say after we set up the first one and began with LSP Corals and softies the urge set in for a second SPS tank. So I now have a 60 gal mixed reef downstairs and a 36 gal SPS tank upstairs in the bedroom. In all honesty I absolutely love both tanks, but I work two jobs, have two kids and a husband who works at least 60 hours per week and there just isn't time to take care of both the way they deserve!

I have been considering combining both into the 60 gal but I have several concerns. Let's start with a breakdown of what is in each tank...
60 gal: six line wrass, fire fish, lawnmower blenny, yellow tail damsel, yellow blotch rabbit fish and (very unfortunately) a bi-color dottyback. Not sure if it's relevant but there's also a peppermint shrimp and a skunk shrimp, as well as a conch and CUC.
30 gal: 2 clowns a conch and a peppermint shrimp, as well as a CUC.

First off, I know that eventually I will need a bigger tank because I am MADLY in love with my yellow blotch rabbit and apparently she will get huge. That is in the works but I'm looking at one of the largest Red Sea Reefers on the market, which doesn't come cheap. (On a side note if anyone has any input on that tank choice I'd love to hear it)

My biggest concern in any change is the health of the yellow blotch. She seems very fragile, and has been easily stressed since I first added her. I don't want the new fish to stress her, and frankly I love the clowns and don't want to lose them either. Furthermore there was really never enough rock in the 60 gal and there's no good way to add the rock to it from the 36 gal without totally re-aquascaping. I don't want to do that, again, in the interest of the yellow blotch. I don't want to stress the tank that much. Anyone have any thought on whether this will not actually be as hard on everything as I think or if I should just leave it be and rotate tank cleanings? Right now the 36 gal has gone way longer without a cleaning than I'm comfortable with and I really just want to do what's best for the fish!

Sorry for the lengthy first post, and thanks in advance for any advice or help!!

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