jeudi 22 juin 2017

Feedback on Current Set Up

Hello All - I would like to gain your feedback on my current system:

25G Cube DT - set up for 3 months
Eshopps Berlin style sump w/ 4" 200 micron filter sock
Reef Octopus 110 SSS Protein Skimmer
Ecotech XR15 Pro Lighting - Ecotech SPS AB+ program at 45% max intensity for 7 hours/day
(2) Ecotech MP10s
BRS Reactor - 1/4 cup of biopellets - 1/2 recommended dose
BRS Reactor - 1/4 cup of GFO- 1/2 recommended dose
BRS Lignite Carbon in media bag
~25# Live Rock
(2) media bags filled with Seachem Matrix in sump
Fish: Midas Blenny & Royal Gramma fed 2x daily with Mysis & NLS Pellets
Corals: (4) Acro frags & (2) Monti Cap frags - feed 1/4 teaspoon of Oyster feast 2x/week. Dose 5 ml of Acropower daily.
Inverts: RBTA Anemone, (2) Trochias snails, (2) Red Leg Hermits
Parameters: Temp - 78-79F, Salinity - 1.025, Ph - 7.95-8.2, Alk - 7dKH, Calcium - 400ppm, Magnesium - 1400ppm, Nitrate/Phosphate = 0
5 gallon weekly water changes with Aqua Vitro Salinty and I do not dose 2 part - yet.

I'm wondering if my tank is too clean? Virtually 0 algae as I haven't cleaned the glass in 3 weeks. The tank went through a slight diatom bloom 2 weeks ago for about 1 week but is gone now and the tank is crystal clear. The RBTA has turned a little white and although it opens fully - the tentacles look to be almost gone and are not sticky when I try to feed small pieces of raw shrimp. My acros look to be colored well however a green slimmer 3" frag looks white at the very base. My goal is to stay ULNS but wondering if I need to be feeding fish and corals more than I currently do? I also have a pair of 1" Darwin Clowns in QT that need 2 more weeks. I then plan to QT and add a small wrasse such as a 6 line. What are your comments or questions about the set up, feeding, and RBTA condition?


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