lundi 19 juin 2017


That's all I have to say about that. Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY *ONDAY! I ain't sure if'n I have a favorite day of the week, but pretty sure *ondays wouldn't be in the running if I did. Sunshine, war*, and heading towards hot. Schlepping so*e butter*ilk waffles on the table to go with our coffee and pink *ilk for eye openers today. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend as *uch as *e....was just down right nice! Hope your over night flight went s*ooth Perry, and today isn't too de*anding on you. Heading over to Pop's house tonight to try and clean the botto* of his way past due fresh water 55 gal. aquariu* :doh: Hadn't been done in near on two years, so he figured it *ight be ti*e. Hope all have great things ahead of the* today, and stay cool doing the*, and all the best,

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