lundi 26 juin 2017

New to salt, probably in over my head

Hi all,

I have been keeping freshwater fish and planted tanks for years but am new to the saltwater hobby. In an attempt to take it slow, I bought a second-hand 28 gallon cube several months ago and added a clownfish and a goby, then realized I would need a lighting upgrade to try corals (the lighting is just too hot; I may end up moving the tank), so it is a FOWLR setup right now. Then, last week... I saw a Craigslist deal and nabbed a complete 75-gallon setup with a few fish (two clowns, a pajama cardinalfish, and maybe a royal gramma?), as well as some corals I am not sure about, as the guy who sold it to me didn't seem to know what they were, either (definitely saw a couple of zoa polyps and maybe a small mushroom?). Since I'm clearly in over my head now, I'll be lurking to get a handle on what I need to do to preserve what I can and decide on next steps.

My end-goal is soft coral setup in the 75, so I will be reading and asking questions to that end.

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