jeudi 29 juin 2017

Please do your research!!!

Hey y'all

Just a PSA here. Someone in my area just posted to a Facebook group for aquariums that their 135 gallon reef is up and running with 10 fish and a ton of corals. I thought that was great, they got their tank filled with some fish and a lot of corals for their desire and wanted to give an update. Well, reading more of the post, the tank has only been running for 2 weeks. Yes, 2 weeks. No cycle yet, and they added 10 fish in the course of those 2 weeks. Granted, they have about 100lbs of LR, but that doesn't eliminate a cycle. Especially when adding at least 5 fish a week.

Please people, I beg you! Do the research before buying a SW tank and learn as much as you can!! You don't have to and will not know everything, but there are some basics that are a necessity for having a SW tank. Unfortunately, I know the store that sold them their fish and such, and their ideologies. So to the LFS employees everywhere, please don't just fill a plastic bag with fish and send the customer on their way! Ask about their tank, and share your knowledge about starting a tank. You will not get repeat customers by sabotaging a tank to make a buck.

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