jeudi 1 juin 2017

No filtration

My sump was undergoing construction (it cracked) and I had a Fluval canister filter running. Then I got home and my old Fluval filter had died and it was pumping the dirt out of the filter media back into the tank. :doh: So my tank went without filtration for 2-3 weeks :bigeek: Yesterday I did a 5% water change. With all the RO/DI water I had left. And my tap water isn't drinkable so I didn't use it for a water change. My tank ended up going 2-3 weeks without filtration or a water change. Now I know everyone thinking everything must have died, but I lucked out and I only lost a sea urchin, Anemone, hammer coral, 2 zoa frags so far :doh:The rest corals SHOULD make it. So I am doing a 5% water change tomorrow. All of my fish made it. And know my tank is cloudy.:( What filter media can I use to make the water crystal clear? I am posting this so people don't make the same stupid mistake I made. FISHTANKS NEED FILTRATION!

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