jeudi 15 juin 2017

My hammer doesn't look colorful

I purchased a hammer, I think 2 or three weeks ago, with some fish and bottled bacteria. I know that the guy from the LFS screwed me because I ended with 1 dead tang and 2 almost dying clowns. I returned the clowns but left the hammer in the tank. It's been cycling for a while now. I noticed when looking at pictures on Google that my hammer doesn't look anything like the ones in the pictures. Instead of a deep brown, it's more translucent and the green is not as saturated. The coral already looked like that when I bought it from that clown at the LFS but I didn't know that this might not be normal. Is there a way to bring back the colors or do I have a different specimen?

Here are my current water parameters:

pH 8.2
dkH 12.9
Ca 350
Mg 1200 - 1250
Phosphates 0.25 - 0.50
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5 - 10ppm

My light:


Blue 1%
White 1%

I ran it at 20% for the blues and 5% for the whites for a few days and I think the hammer liked it. It stretched its tentacles towards the light which I read is a good sign. I also read that too much light can bleach corals so I dialed it back for now.

I ran carbon up until 2 days ago and the LFS also runs carbon 24/7.

This is a picture with the lights on:

Lights off:

This is what it should look like, shouldn't it?

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