jeudi 15 juin 2017

Marine magic auto top off controller issues

Hello all. I was wondering if anyones is using the marine magic auto top off controller? I bought one last year and it worked great until i left for several months and when i unpacked all my equipment it seems broken. The ato pump turns on in any mode, even with the floats unplugged. If the controller has power it doesnt matter if its on, off or in mode 3 (one float in your saltwater tank to tell it when to topoff and one float in your ro/di reservoir to tell the pump to stop because you ran out of water). Doesnt matter, pump stays on all the time.

So i ordered a new one and its the same thing! Its def not how it worked when i bought the first one brand new.

So your probably thinking well just email customer service and i have twice with no reply. Anyone else having issues with this product and company?

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