samedi 2 mai 2015

I only have 6 corals and my QT tank already saved me

Hello all!

I just want to encourage anyone who doesn't have a QT tank to get one. I'm only 6 corals into my tank re-setup and I've already saved myself a plague.

I got a small chip of red monti cap from a not so LFS recently, it was cheap, at only $5. The chip had been bouncing around in the sand bed of their tank so I didn't think much of the dead spots on it.

I came home, dipped it, and placed it in Q, that was a week ago. Today I went to do another dip and a monti eating spyder came off, dead in the iodine dip.

I'm not sure if I can get a picture, I wasn't even going to try but the more I think about it the more I want one. If I get a good pic I'll follow up here.


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