lundi 4 mai 2015

DIY Tank Stand

Hi Everyone - First post here!

I built a tank stand for my 40 gallon breeder tank and since it's my first woodworking project, I am (hopefully understandably) nervous.

I believe there is plenty of support to hold up the weight without any problems, so I am not nervous about that part. What I want to be sure of, is that everything is good to go for the tank. Everything is level when using a level on the sides, back, and across the corners of the tank. What I may be worried about is where the tank is supposed to be most supported.

It's a glass aquarium with a rim. So, is it most important to have the corners supported more than anything, or does it have to be perfectly even all the way across in every direction? To the point that I couldn't slide a piece of paper in any part, or is there some level of error that's okay?

(I tried to add pictures, but it's not letting me right now. I can try later)

If I can clarify anything, please let me know. It's hard to explain what I am curious about. Mostly about the most important areas for the tank to sit so it won't crack over time and make my wife very unhappy. I wouldn't want to have to give up my hobby...

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