mercredi 6 mai 2015

Coralife Biocube 29 Clownfish in the right chamber...

Set up the tank last week. Live rock, sand, coral and 2 clownfish.

So far everything's going well-the coral seem to be flourishing as do the fish.

Chemistry is good-will do my first water change tomorrow (10% or so) as the Nitrates and Nitrites are above 0 (no Ammonia) and the salinity is down to 1.21 from 1.23 at the start. Alkalinity is good and Ph is perfect.

The clowns seem happy, low stress, lots of swimming.

I find they both seem to sleep near vertically, in the back right corner, near the filter intake chamber. I've been nervous about this as it seems like the smaller of the 2 is going to get sucked into that chamber...

This morning I see only 1 clown in the tank-I search-no sign of the other. No jumper for sure. I wait a minute or two and I see him swimming in the chamber. BTW the other clownfish was staying there with him-they have been paired for quite a while.

My net is too big to get into the chamber (the heater is there too). I turned off the heater (it's Titanium-not worried about breakage but don't want it too hot for the fish or me!).

I wait, I see him swim up then back down. Put my arm in and finally get him to come up and land on the filter media. I splash him to keep him wet and breathing-finally able to get him into my hand (gently) and right back into the tank.

He's swimming around, playing with the other clown and all happy...

However, I don't think he jumped over the divider--this is the newer Biocube--but I do think he either swam or was drawn into the 3rd chamber by the current/flow.

HELP! Is there any screening or something I can put over the grill cut outs to ensure he doesn't get pulled in again (I am assuming that's how he got in). He has no marks and he definitely had a good slime coat when he was in my hand.

Thanks in advance!

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