vendredi 4 mai 2018

Tank cycle, Green algae no brown diatoms. Please help.

So i was here two weeks ago and was asking how to build my bacteria while cycling my tank many mentioned ghost feeding and dead shrimp. Which worked great on getting my nitrite's and nitrates started. The first day after ghost feeding my ammonia spiked and was followed by nitrates and nitrates. Now I have 0 ammonia. And my nitrite s and nitrates are down by half. Now I have bright colored green algae. That's been growing for about 5 days now but hasn't got out of control mostly on one rock closest to the light. From what I've read this what you see after a visible brown diatom bloom. This is day 28 and from what I've read i should have seen diatoms before green algae. (The algae is not going crazy tho and run my lights on a timer for about 12 hrs a day.) Please help with any idea on where my tank is at in the process. And what I should do from here. I am still very much a beginner so any help would be nice.

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