mardi 15 mai 2018

"Nature Aquarium" reef tank crossover?

Many, many, many moons ago before I got into saltwater, I was really into high-tech, heavily-planted FW. I was a HUGE fan of the Amano-style "Nature Aquarium" and the landscape style of aquascaping. There are many styles of aquascaping in the "Nature Aquarium", but I was always keen on those tanks that had a "mountain pass" kind of look to them. Something similar to this tank submitted to the AGA 2017 aquascaping contest:

I tried doing some preliminary Google searching, but have not yet come up with anything that I'm looking for. Has anyone attempted or seen a successful reef tank that is able to use certain types of corals to create a similar natural landscape style of aquascaping?

What made me think of this was I was watching some YouTube videos and came across a reefer who was using GSP in their nano tank to produce a carpeting effect. Seeing this immediately reminded me of the Amano-style tanks I used to drool over decades ago.

If I were to ever set up a second reef tank, I think I would try to research and build something that would look like one of these "Nature Aquarium" type of tanks but with saltwater and corals instead of freshwater and plants.

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